Since it is estimated that more than 80% of all soccer players are right-footed, there is no shortage of players who are good with their right foot. Still, it remains important to play right-footed players in the best possible position. So what is the best position for a right-footed soccer player?
The best position for a right-footed soccer player is that of left winger. This is because the right-footed player can cut inside and shoot with their stronger foot. Other positions suitable for a right-footed player include right wingback and right-sided center backs.
It may sound strange to position a right-footed player on the left side of the field. But I will explain exactly why this tactic works in this article. I will also explain other positions suitable for right-footed players and give you some examples of the world's best right-footed soccer players.
Unsurprisingly, right-footed players are much more common in soccer than left-footed ones. Although the data is continuously changing, it is said that over 80% of all soccer players are right-footed.
This means that about nine players are right-footed in an average soccer team's starting eleven. So it goes without saying that most positions are already played by right-footed players.
However, some soccer positions benefit more than others from a player who is exceptionally strong on their right foot.
It may sound strange, but placing a right-footed player on the left wing is undoubtedly the best position for players with an unstoppable right shot in their arsenal.
Let me explain why.
In a soccer game, wingers can be used in several ways. The most popular way of utilizing a winger is playing them as an inverted winger.
An inverted winger is a wide player who plays on the opposite side of the field to what their stronger foot is.
They do this because the winger can cut inside and shoot at goal with their stronger foot.
When people say "cut inside" or "cutting inside" in soccer, they mean moving the ball from the side of the field to a more central area to shoot at goal.
This is done by kicking the ball sideways with the outside of the winger's strong foot or sometimes with the inside of their weak foot.
If successful, the defender is caught off guard, and a yard or two of space is freed up for the winger to shoot at goal with its stronger foot.
This means that if the winger is right-footed and can shoot well, they are definitely at their best at the left wing position.
A left winger does not necessarily always need to be right-footed. This is because a coach may choose to play their wingers in a more traditional way.
A traditional winger focuses more on crossing the ball than cutting inside and shooting. In this case, it would actually benefit the left winger to be left-footed instead.
This is because it is easier to cross the ball with the inside of the foot. That means the player must be on the same side of the field as their stronger foot.
However, playing with inverted wingers is a lot more common in soccer today than using traditional wingers.
Some of the best players to ever play the game have been right-footed players positioned on the left wing. These include:
The second best position for a right-footed player is the right wingback position. The same can be said for the right fullback position, as the two are very similar.
As I have already mentioned, the use of inverted wingers is extremely popular in modern-day soccer.
The only drawback to this style of winger is that it limits the winger's ability to cross the ball. This means that the coach will often look to other positions to get crosses into the box.
This is where the wingbacks/fullbacks come into play.
When playing with inverted wingers, the wingbacks' job is often to come forward from the defense to make crosses into the box whenever they can.
Because it is much easier to cross the ball with the inside of your foot than the outside, a right-sided wingback would benefit greatly from being a right-footed player.
Since this position also has many defensive duties, it is also good for the player to be right-footed for making tackles, interceptions, and generally moving better.
Generally speaking, yes, a right wingback should always be played by a right-footed player.
Although it is not uncommon for wingbacks to play on the opposite side to their stronger foot, this usually only applies to right-footed players filling in at left-sided positions.
Since left-footed players are much harder to find, it makes no sense to waste them at a position that clearly favors a right-footed player.
All of the best right wingbacks/fullbacks have been right-footed players. Here are some examples:
If the right-footed player does not have the abilities required to play out wide as a winger or wingback, then the right-sided center back is a great option as a more central position.
Whereas teams never used to concern themselves with whether a center back was right-footed or left-footed, times have definitely changed.
In modern-day soccer, coaches now try their best to find a left-footed center back to play alongside a right-footed one. This is, so the back line is well balanced.
Although the focus is often on the need for a rare left-footed center back, a right-footed center back is still essential.
It is important for a right sided center back to be right-footed so that they make fewer mistakes and feel comfortable when passing the ball.
Teams who dominate possession of the ball will rely on center backs to pass the ball just as well as any other position on the field.
Because of this, it's good for the center back to be on the right side of the field to match their stronger foot.
It's also good for a right-footed player to play on the correct side, so they don't get wrong-footed and make a mistake.
Suppose a player is playing on the opposite side of the field to what they are comfortable with. In that case, there's a good chance they could make a mistake when performing tasks such as passing, turning, or tackling.
If this happens to a player further up the field, it's not too much of a concern. However, if this happens to a center back, there's a strong chance the mistake could lead to a shot or even a goal for the opposition team.
Therefore, a right-footed player on the right side of the central defending duo is a must.
Yes, a center back on the right side should be played by a right-footed player.
Just like the right wingback, it is possible for players to play in these positions on their weaker foot.
Like the right wingback, it is possible for players to play with their weaker foot on the other side. However, given how rare left-footed players are, it would make little sense to position one on the right side of a center back duo.
There are too many examples of players who have been successful as a right-footed center back.
Instead, I will list some famous center back pairings who achieved the perfect balance with a right and left-footed partnership.
In summary, a right-footed player can usually be seen at almost any position on a soccer field because there are so many of them.
However, there are still positions more suitable for right-footers than others. Left-footers should not play these positions because it wastes their unique ability.
These positions include left winger (inverted), right wingback, and right sided center back. The best right-footed players in soccer are usually left wingers.